Can I put larger tires for mountain biking on my bike?Updated 5 months ago
The max tire size you can add is a 2.0 width, if it's any bigger it will rub against the brake cables. We're using shorter brake arms on our bikes so that we can use a lever that's easier for your child to reach, so there isn't a lot of space to change tire size.
Here are the tire sizes for all of our bikes:
Balance Bike = 12 x 1.75 in
14 inch = 14 x 1.75
14 inch = 14 x 1.75
16 inch = 16 x 1.75 in
20 inch small = 20 x 1.75 in
20 inch large = 20 x 1.75 in
24 inch = 24 x 1.75 in
26 inch = 26 x 1.75 in