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How to maintain a Guardian BikeUpdated 13 days ago

A well-maintained bike isn’t just more fun to ride—it’s safer too! This guide will help you keep your child’s bike in top shape with simple steps for cleaning, tire care, and lubrication.

How to Wash Your Guardian Bike

What You’ll Need

    •    Bucket, warm water, and rags

    •    Bike cleaning brushes or old toothbrushes

    •    Dish soap or bike wash

    •    Degreaser for cleaning the chain

    •    Chain lubricant (choose wet lube for rainy areas, dry lube for dry climates)

Steps for Cleaning

1. The Frame: Wet the bike and use soapy water to scrub the frame. Focus on cables, tubes, and brake pads. Rinse and dry.

2. The Wheels: Scrub tires, spokes, hubs, and rims with a soapy brush. Rinse thoroughly.

3. The Drivetrain: Clean the pedals, chainrings, and sprockets with a stiff brush. Apply degreaser, scrub, rinse, and dry.

4. Lubricate the Chain: Once the chain is dry, apply a small amount of lube to each link. Wipe off excess to prevent grit buildup.

How to Check the Tire Pressure

Proper tire pressure ensures a smoother and safer ride. Under-inflated tires wear out faster, while over-inflated tires can make rides uncomfortable.

The Touch Method

Press the tire with your thumb. It should feel like a soccer ball—firm but with a little give. If it’s too soft, pump it up; if it’s rock-hard, release some air.

The Gauge Method

1. Check the recommended psi on the tire (usually 20-40 psi).

2. Use a tire pressure gauge or pump with a built-in gauge to measure the pressure.

3. Add or release air as needed until it’s within the recommended range.

How to Pump a Bike Tire

Tires naturally lose air over time. Here’s how to inflate them properly. Guardian Bikes use Schrader valves. Ensure your pump is compatible. If you do not have a pump, you can find one here.

1. Position the Valve: Rotate the wheel so the valve is near the ground. Unscrew the cap.

2. Attach the Pump: Push the pump head onto the valve and secure it by lifting the pump lever.

3. Pump the Tire: Inflate the tire until it’s firm. Check the gauge if available.

4. Detach and Close: Lower the pump lever, remove the pump, and replace the valve cap.

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